Dates and Times

  •  February 26, 2022 - February 27, 2022
     7:30 am - 6:30 pm

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About This Event

Defensive Handgun 1 & 2 Series

Pre-requisite training:  Zero Victims 8 hour Concealed Carry & Basic Handgun (CCW Permit training) course is required prior to taking this course.

This course certificate is accepted by Montana Sheriff Departments to obtain your Concealed Weapons CCW Permit.

*If you are considering using a defensive handgun for personal defense, either Inside or outside your home, we strongly recommend you take this series, which combines Defensive Handgun-1 Inside The Home, and Defensive Handgun-2 Outside The Home.  Click here to see what our clients say about our firearms and handgun training classes!

Course Length: 2  Days     Class size: 6

Saturday, 7:30am – 5pm;  Sunday, 7:30am – 6pm

This is high value training and is very popular with our clients.  We will cover how to respond to life threatening encounters Inside and Outside The Home, defensive shooting skills, holster draw, concealed carry methods, drawing from concealment, engaging multiple targets, scanning for threats, instinctive/point shooting, defensive accuracy, changing magazines, concealed carry devices, how to respond to violent confrontations, legal considerations and use of deadly force, imminent threat and cessation of threat, Montana statutes and the law pertaining to the use of deadly force,  Castle Doctrine, Duty to Retreat, Federal, State, and Local Law, 5th amendment protections, obtaining legal representation, potential criminal and civil actions, Intrastate and Interstate acquisition and transportation of firearms, what to do when you are pulled over by law enforcement while carrying concealed, physical and psychological effects, mindset, levels of mental awareness, shooting from cover and concealment, and how to select a handgun for self-defense.

If you do not have a gun to use for this class, you may rent one of our handguns and holsters for a $25 per day rental fee.

You should bring 400 rounds of ammunition.

Cost: $429    (Defensive Handgun 1 is $179.  Defensive Handgun 2 is $250.  $429 is the total for both courses taught in this series.)

After you register for the course, specific details and instructions will be provided to you via email.

Frank Odermann,  U.S. Navy SEAL (Retired)
Zero Victims Firearm Training | Concealed Carry Training| CCW Permit Classes

Billings, Montana



Cancellation by student:
Because of limited class sizes and our commitments to instructors and ranges, WE DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS on any training course if you change your mind or are otherwise unable to attend Two options are available to cancel your registration and either transfer or reschedule:
  1. Transfer your registration to another person:  For any reason, whether it involves an emergency or non-emergency, you may transfer your registration to another person if that person meets all training prerequisites and is qualified to take the course, provided you give us at least 7 days prior notice by e-mail with the name, e-mail address, and phone number for your substitute.  You may transfer your course registration date only one time.
  2. Reschedule to a future class date:  ONLY in case of a "true emergency," such as a medical emergency, which is entirely beyond your control, you may reschedule to another class date if you give us written notice by e-mail to at least 7 days in advance of the scheduled course.  In this case, you may search our Course Calendar for another class that has a seat available. The class date you select must be within 90 days of your cancelled course date.  You may reschedule to another date only one timeWORK CONFLICTS DO NOT CONSTITUTE AN EMERGENCY.  IT IS THE CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY TIME OFF FROM WORK PRIOR TO REGISTERING FOR A CLASS.  We DO NOT reschedule clients for work conflicts.  NO EXCEPTIONS.
Cancellation by Zero Victims:
Zero Victims Training reserves the right to cancel a course and reschedule or refund student. There may be occasions when weather or unforeseen circumstances require cancellation of the course. In such cases, you will receive e-mail and/or telephone notification. When we cancel a course, we are happy to either refund your registration fee or move you to another training date of your choosing for the same training course, at your discretion.