Dates and Times
May 6, 2023 - May 7, 2023
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
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About This Event
Pre-requisite training: Zero Victims 8-hour AR15 Basic Rifle course is required prior to taking this course.
If you are considering using an AR15 rifle for personal defense, either Inside or outside your home, we strongly recommend you take this series, which combines Defensive Rifle -1 Inside The Home, and Defensive Rifle – 2 Outside The Home. Click here to see what our clients say about our firearms and handgun training classes!
Students will need to bring their own AR15 Rifle, magazines and ammunition. Rentals are not available for this class.
If you do not already own an AR15 Rifle, please call Frank at 406-690-4700 and he will be happy to advise you on what to purchase.
Your AR15 must be chambered in 5.56 or 223 caliber. Other calibers are not allowed for this class. We recommend you purchase an AR15 chambered in 5.56.
Course Length: 2 Days Class size: 6
Saturday, 7:30am – 5pm; Sunday, 7:30am – 5:30pm
This is high value training. We will cover how to respond to life threatening encounters Inside and Outside The Home, defensive rifle skills, use of slings, kinesthetic alignment, engaging and transitioning to multiple targets, defensive accuracy, height over bore and mechanical offset, changing magazines, ammunition types, immediate action drills/how to clear stoppages, accessorizing and maintaining an AR-15, effective use of cover, optics, lights, how to respond to violent confrontations, legal considerations and use of deadly force, imminent threat and cessation of threat, Montana statutes and the law pertaining to the use of deadly force, Castle Doctrine, Duty to Retreat, Federal, State, and Local Law, 5th amendment protections, obtaining legal representation, potential criminal and civil actions, Intrastate and Interstate acquisition and transportation of firearms, what to do when you are pulled over by law enforcement while transporting a gun, physical and psychological effects of a life threatening encounter, mindset, levels of mental awareness, shooting from cover.
You should bring 500 rounds of ammunition.
Cost: $429
After you register for the course, specific details and instructions will be provided to you via email.
Frank Odermann, U.S. Navy SEAL (Retired)
Zero Victims Firearm Training
Concealed Carry Training Classes | CCW Permit Classes | Defensive Handgun | Defensive Rifle